My Blog List

Thursday, October 28, 2010

"Role of the President in National Government"

Today in my blog, I’m going to talk about the United States President’s powers and about his role in our national government system. The President of the United States is the head of the national government, leads the executive branch of the federal government, and is the commander-in-chief of United States armed forces. Several powers are granted to the President by the Constitution. Those powers include appointment, budgeting, and law enforcement. Millions of Americans depend on the President because he is the chief executive officer of the nation. The President can choose leaders for top-administration posts. As our textbook explains, “Washington filled over one thousand positions...usually on the basis of statements attesting to the candidate’s good character and moral virtue.” Those posts can either be cabinet or recess appointment.
The cabinet positions consists of people appointed by the president to the major administrative unite of the executive branch but must seek the advice and consent of the senate for their approval. The recess appointment is a political appointment that is made by the President when Congress is out of session. Although the Constitution gave Congress the power to control the budget, The Office of Management and Budget assists the President in generating the budget. While generating the budget the President can issue within the budget an impound of the budget, rescission of the budget, or line item veto. An impound of the budget means the President refuses to expand funds appropriated by Congress. On the other hand, the President can recess the budgets by cutting back the funds for particular programs that require congressional approval. The President also can make a line item veto, meaning he rejects a portion of a bill those about budget. Today, the chief executive not only enforces laws concerning crime but also for public health, business regulation, and civil rights, among many other issues of today’s society. President has the power to enforce law but also holds the power to pardon convicted criminals.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"The Obama Rope-a-Dope"

A lame-duck presidency will give Obama a shot at reelection.
On October 7th, 2010 Victor Davis Hanson posted a blog at National Review Online. In his blog he argued that, “After 2010, will he [Obama] be Carter or Clinton? This is the developing question, how will Obama face true or real heavy defeat in the midterm elections next month? In 1978 during Jimmy Carters’ administration when he had high inflation, interest rates, and unemployment he was stuck to his liberal agenda. In comparison, after the Democratic Party was killed in 1994 midterms by losing 52 house and nine senate seats. Bill Clinton in 1996 moved to the center and freely won the reelection. “So what will Obama do if he loses the Democratic majority in the House and quite possibly the senate, as his approval rating tank to 40 percent?” Reasonably he will stick to his faithful liberals. Although there are good chances of him being reelected. Right now, banks, corporations, and small businesses have trillions of dollars in hand from two years of low interest rates. Although, if the republicans get back the house, the entire Obama redistributive agenda will be deled.  
This equilibrium will give a boost to the business cycle and probably businesses will start hiring and buying more. By losing congress Obama might see the economy bound back and he’ll take credit from a different position. Despite the failure of his early borrowing schemes. President Obama can let the Republican Congress take the hit for the unpopular loop of entitlement. In a Zen way, Obama will allow Republicans to restore financial sanity to his administration, even as be blasts them for cutting programs and hurting the needy. With control of the presidency and both house and congress for the last two years, the liberals were sure Obama could easily fulfill campaign promises. For example he could end the, “don’t ask, don’t tell policy,” and passing into law amnesty for illegal aliens, card check for unions, and cap-and-trade for the green lobby. From all of his promises he didn’t fulfill any of that because his liberal polls were below 50 percent. Overseas, most of the reset Obama foreign policy reverted back to the polices of George W. Bush. Both Iran and North Korea are against Americans and loonier than ever.
Obama’s Iraq, Afghanistan, and anti-terrorism policies are simply Bush Administration’s policies. If Democrats get smashed in November, expect such a passive rope-a-dope strategy, different from the last two years. In my opinion, Victor Davis Hanson is a republican, trying to persuade readers by using military words on his blog. He argues that Obama’s administration literally has done nothing, and the “hope and change,” he promised is not working for Republicans. But on his article he is not stating what Obama’s administration have done in past and what are they working on now. I think that we need to give president Obama some time because previous administration didn’t leave a smooth road for him. He is working hard to do best for our country.