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Sunday, December 5, 2010

National Debt Crisis

According to Mr. Waggoner, the United States government needs to start changing things if we as United Stated citizens want better future. According to him all Democrats and Republicans needs to come up with a plan to get us out of the debt. One of the plans had the idea to raise the gasoline price and increase the retirement age for Social Security to age of 69. Waggoner also mentions that now a day both Democrats and Republicans are focusing on upcoming Presidential elections and no one is paying attention on country’s problems. The Obama’s administration need to show citizens that they are trying to fulfill their promises for long term deficits. On the other hand, Republicans need to show that they will consider increasing taxes. The national debt is keeping our country back from growing and we need active leaders to help us overthrow national debt. The national government needs to limit its spending so that we are not in inflation in the first place. Waggoner also states that we need to come up with a plan which can get us out of debt because this can cause us serious problem in future. In my view, Mr. Waggoner did great job explaining the national debt crisis. One thing national government can do to get us out of national crisis is to bring our military troops back because every day we spend billions of dollars on them. According to The New York Time budget puzzle in 2013, we will be spending nearly 90 billion dollars on war. Imagine, bringing back or reducing the size of the troops can save us this much money. With this money we as a nation could get a better health care plan. Not only that, then we doesn’t have to raise taxes, or the price of the gasoline, or the Social Security age limit. Our government needs to take an action now if they want America’s better future. In my opinion Waggoner’s argument is correct U.S. needs to stop wasting money on irrelevant activities and projects.