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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"Going Green"

In this blog, I’m going to critique Ms. Samantha Johnson’s view about going green. On her blog she indicated that our current administration has a recovery package which promises us an energy efficient future. In her editorial she stated that Washington Post have an article saying that, the “United States cabinet is thinking about a multibillion package to meet Obama’s goal of doubling renewable energy production in the following three years.” According to her article Ohio, officials have passed a bill claiming that over 12% of its energy will be conducted from solar and wind energy. Moreover, the early results of voting showed that 50% of the voters agree about going green.
First of all I think Ms. Johnson did fantastic job explaining her view and I totally agree with her view, because going green can save our planet from unnecessary pollution, adversely affects the ozone layers which can result in medical problems. As a Texas resident it is also our responsibility that we do each and everything to make less pollution or find other alternatives. In addition to that we all need to recycle plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and papers. As a nation we need to overcome this problem and as an individual we all need to buy one of those universal chargers for our mobiles as Ms. Johnson said in her editorial because electricity does cause global warming which is not good for our planet. By doing these little things we can secure our future generations health.

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