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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What Powers Does Congress Have?

     United States Constitution has granted so many powers to our bicameral Congress such as law making, declaring war, impeachment, over sighting, budgeting, and advising and consent. Congress plays a big role in United States government; a bill which is passed by both house and Congress can only proceed to White House. The president can sign the bill into law, veto the law, or exercise a pocket veto. A pocket veto is an automatic veto achieved when a bill sits unsigned on a president’s desk for ten days when congress is out of session. In addition to that, the lawmaking process has become more “unorthodox.” Although the United States has formally declared war only five times in its history, the framers of the Constitution gave Congress the ability to declare war. In fact, the framers of the Constitution divided the war power by making the President as commander in chief of the armed forces, but reserving to Congress the power to declare war.       
     Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution gave the House of Representatives the sole power to impeach [to bring formal charges against a federal official, including the president] an official for three offenses: treason, bribery, or “high crimes and misdemeanors.” Congress also provides oversight, or close scrutiny, of the federal agencies and programs it creates and of the actions of the other branches of government. The legislative veto allows Congress to rescind rules promulgated by an executive agency. The congressional review requires an approval by both houses and the president, which can stop implementation of executive branch regulations. In addition the president makes recommendations regarding the budget; the Constitution gives Congress alone the authority to decide how the money will be spent. Budget resolution is a early step in budgeting process in which both houses of Congress set spending goals. In my opinion, the framers of the Constitution gave so many powers to Congress. The President should have the ability to declare war since he is the commander in chief of the armed forces. Overall, framer of the Constitution distributed the Congress powers well. Framers gave the President the power to sign a bill which later becomes a law and gave Congress the authority over budgeting.

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